This is a follow along from Bryan Ly’s Okta Course on Udemy.


Create a Salesforce Developer Account Connect Salesforce to Okta using SAML 2.0 Test SSO from Okta to Salesforce

Create a Salesforce Developer Account

Enter your credentials to gain access to Salesforce:

After submitting the form, go to the email used and look for the account verification:

Reset your password and login to Salesforce:

Add Salesforce in Okta

In Okta, go to Applications > Browse App Catalog > Search for Salesforce:

Select Salesforce and click on Add Integration:

In the Sign On options, Select ‘SAML 2.0’ and for Application username format select ‘Custom’:

Enter the Okta Expression Language ```

substringBefore(, '@')+"YOURDOMAINHERE"

Select Done.

Configure Salesforce Settings

In the top left search box, search for Single Sign-On settings:

For first time setup, enable SAML by clicking the Edit and tick the ‘SAML Enabled’, click save:

Create a new settings by selecting the ‘New’ button:

Inside the Okta portal in the Salesforce application, there is a SAML setup guide, there will be data we need to enter into Salesforce.

Cross reference and fill out the data in Salesforce:

After saving, take note of the Endpoints section, we will use this to input into the application section in Okta:

In Okta, paste the data into Advanced Sign-On Settings:

Assign users to the Salesforce application in Okta. We are now ready to test our integration.

Test Connection

In the user portal, select the app:

It should direct you straight into the Salesforce portal:

Things to Note

When assigning users to Salesforce in Okta, I had an issue where the user did not have the ’@’ sign added to their username so Salesforce ran into an error. We can fix this during the user assignment process.