Welcome to my vault!
Feel free to take a look at the various aspects of Cloud, Cybersecurity, and general IT projects I have worked on to strengthen my hands on skills and gain more insight with various tools and technologies.
Click on each project for more in depth explanations of the architecture and methodologies.
WIP OtterTech Identity Environment
WIP Project OtterVanguard
OtterVanguard is a multi cloud organization that focuses on wildland fires and oceanic oil spills. This project covers various aspects of building and securing organization:
WIP OtterVanguard Serverless Multi-Tier Web Architecture
OtterVanguard uses AWS serverless services to provide a website to inform the public of current oil spills. Spread simulations for current events and a portal to sign in and search for custom data. The website also includes developer dashboards to monitor website statistics.
Website link here: vanguard.ottertech.cloud (to be added by end of September)
Technologies used: React, Amplify, S3 (Secure Storage Service), Lambda, CloudFront, and Relational Database Service (RDS), AWS Cognito, Prometheus and Grafana
WIP OtterVanguard Rapid Deployment Computation Centers
WIP OtterVanguard Terraform Misconfiguration Hunting with Aqua Security Trivy When an oil spill occurs, OtterVanguard will deploy a control center using Terraform to provision infrastructure. Researchers can run simulations and predict the spread of oil spills.
Uses HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) to create an instantly deployable AWS infrastructure closest to the affected region for simulating wildland fires and oil spills. Tested system resilience by performing failover tests to ensure quick recovery from disruptions.
Stored secrets in encrypted S3 buckets and state locking using RDS. Scanned code using Aqua Security Trivy and Synk to remediate vulnerabilities, exposed secrets, and misconfigurations before pushing to production repository.
OtterVanguard Threat Detection and Hunting
This section covers managing enterprise connected devices and remediate any affected servers and endpoint devices in the event of a security breach.
Technologies used: Sentinel, Defender for Cloud, Defender for Endpoint, Intune
Enhanced the threat hunting model, proactively identifying vulnerabilities by analyzing threat actor Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) and implementing preventative measures.
OtterVanguard Regulatory Compliance
This organization collects sensitive data so the company must remain compliant with International, Federal, and State compliance.
Frameworks: NIST, GBLA, HIPPA, PCI/DSS, SOX, FERC, NERC Technologies used: Purview, Defender for Cloud, Azure Policy, Azure Initiative. Utilized Defender for Cloud to enforce required regulatory compliance according to Federal and State standards. Frameworks: NIST, GBLA, HIPPA, PCI/DSS, SOX, ISO.
OtterVanguard Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Since OtterVanguard uses Entra ID to provision user accounts, this portion of the project focuses on development of cross cloud SSO to access AWS resources for OtterVanguard employees.
• Managed cross account user access using Entra ID and AWS IAM, providing SSO, secure, and role-based access control across both cloud environments.
• Configured Azure PIM for just-in-time (JIT), configuring entitlement management, reducing risks by controlling and monitoring elevated permissions.
Services used: Entra ID, AWS IAM, RBAC, ⌛ Configuring Privileged Identity Management (PIM) access for critical infrastructure, JIT
In Progress and Planned Projects
WIP Code Vulnerability Scanning using OWASP ZAP & SonarQube
WIP Connecting Azure to On-Prem Using VPN
WIP Container orchestration using Docker and Kubernetes
Building a RAID enabled server tosync multiple local endpoints using Syncthing
Deploying an Active Directory Domain Controller
WIP Deploying EntraID Connect for On prem Active Directory sync
Installing Windows Server 2016 on VirtualBox
Misc. Finished Projects
🎯Azure Sentinel Threat Detection
Transforming images using S3 Events and Lambda
AzureGoat Series (WIP)
WIP Project AzureGoat Uncovering Azure Vulnerabilities and Securing Cloud Environments
Insecure Direct Object Reference Server Side Request Forgery Security Misconfiguration WIP Using Azure Runbooks for Privilege Escalation
Defending SQL Injection Attacks with Azure Web Application Firewall Defending Storage Accounts Defending Against Privilege Escalation using Azure Polices and Alerts Adding security controls into Terraform