Another month! We’re almost wrapping up the year!
For this month, I would like to continue on building out my enterprise infrastructure to build and showcase my skills
OtterTech Network Project
As I pick up OtterTech to speed, I wanted to work on the local network to sort out a couple of issues I’m dealing with.
Syncthing File Sync
Setup Syncthing to sync all files between devices (Windows, Linux, and Android)
Grafana and Prometheus Monitoring
Connect cloud metrics to local on-prem server using Prometheus and provide uptime and metrics for the network.
Snort IDS
Setup Intrusion Detection and alerts
Setting up OpenVPN
Install OpenVPN on endpoint to allow network connectivity for remote network access.
OtterTech YouTube Channel
- Create channel Starting Before You’re Ready
- Work on Obsidian and Quartz Website tutorial Host your Obsidian notes online for free!
Now that I have created the OtterTech YouTube channel, I will begin to start scripting out the videos. Taking inspiration from NoBoilerPlate’s channel which I found aligns with my goal of making simplistic but encompassing material.
Road to JLPT
Now that I have registered for the N4 JLPT in December, I will utilize the immersion method to learn more deeply into the language. I have been learning Japanese since 2010 and had a history with Duolingo but never took it seriously.